As a parent, I am both blessed and honoured to have brought Ethan up with the freedom and knowledge of Judaism from shul, school and his home.
Ethan celebrated his Bar Mitzvah on
4 November 2023
Ethan was Bar Mitzvah on the 4th November 2023 parsha Vaera. He spoke about the Sedra and his thanks to his grandparents that have made an impact to his life growing up. He was honoured to be twinned with the young boy Leib as he spoke about his Great Grandparents who he sadly was unable to meet but blessed with their name Leib, together with the young boy who was unable to celebrate his Bar Mitzvah and grow old, may their memories be a blessing to his family and the wider family of Am Yisroel
As a parent, I am both blessed and honoured to have brought Ethan up with the freedom and knowledge of Judaism from shul, school and his home.