As Eli sadly didn’t have the privilege of a Bar Mitzvah I honoured his name and memory so Eli and his family will never be forgotten
Ethan celebrated his Bar Mitzvah on 28 December 2020 and was twinned with Eli Aizman.
Ethan’s Bar Mitzvah was broadcasted on a BBC1 documentary on 30 March 2021 called
‘Being Jewish’ WATCH HERE
Below is Ethan’s speech from the day of his Bar Mitzvah:
“Today is actually not just my Bar Mitzvah, I am actually twining my Bar Mitzvah with a young victim of the Holocaust.
Let me tell you about Eli Aizman. Eli was from Poland, where my ancestors were from. Eli was only 12 years old when he was murdered in the Holocaust along with his whole entire family.
Eli didn’t have the privilege of a Bar Mitzvah so today I am honouring his name and memory so Eli and his family will never be forgotten and I am so proud to be given the privilege of being Eli’s Guardian.
I will light a candle every year on Holocaust Memorial Day and on Yom HaShoah
It’s been a very tough year and I am so pleased that you can join me for my special day. I can’t let this occasion past without mentioning my Grandad and also all my Nanny’s and Papa’s who are all a huge inspiration for me. I miss them all and I really hope I have made them proud today.
Because of Covid, circumstances have changed for everyone including me and learning my Bar Mitzvah as I could not attend the synagogue and have as many lessons. I do hope to continue my lessons in 2021 Covid permitting.
I will also carry on researching about Eli. As I want to find out more about him and his family with the help of Yad Vashem UK.”